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  • Writer's pictureMason Morgan

A Few Words From Me Pre-Surgery

I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd be writing this so soon.

There comes a time when you just have to realise no matter what you do or who you are stuff will happen out of the blue that you didn't expect. That's exactly what has happened here.

I had the thought of reoccurrence, I always knew that fact. I didn't anticipate it happening so soon - at the very minimum, I thought I had more time. The fact I never got to complete the challenges that I set hurt me more than possible as I was extremely confident that despite them being ambitious, I could achieve them. Now they've been taken away from me it feels like someone has taken my heart and stamped on it - I'm heartbroken because I really wanted to do and have something to look back on. Be proud of the accomplishment.

"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

I consider how far I've come since being diagnosed and what I've done so far as I get ready for another operation. The sheer number of events I have attended despite receiving treatment is astonishing. From the Vitality 10k, ASICS 10k, Royal Parks Half Marathon, London Landmarks Half Marathon, London Marathon, Prague Marathon, and Stockholm Marathon.

If I can take one thing from it, I would say I'm a lot stronger than I make out or think. I hope I have proved with a strong mind, determination, and perseverance you can do a lot more than you think you are able to do. Throughout my time I hope I have managed to help as many people as possible, offer advice where I can, be there for others, and increase awareness (of cancer, brain tumours, and the wonderful charities). My goal was trying to pay back all the love, support, and care that I've been given over the time. My one hope is that despite the upcoming 'enforced rest', I have done that or managed to make a dent at least.

The aim for me - if it all goes well - I can be back running within the next couple of months. That is the current aim. It's ambitious but I'm not your average person or do anything in half measures.

I'll leave it on a quote from Anne Frank which I feel is pertinent.

"where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again."

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Running with Cancer is a movement to show people that, despite receiving a diagnosis, you won't let it define you or prevent you from reaching your goals. They don't have to be dictated to by their condition. Each patient is still able to achieve big things and we want to be an example of this.

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